Gucci, the first dog to write for us, pushed up the daisies this morning. This ball of fur saw Runa ji all through her school days to her proudest moment of being a mother. Far atop the rainbow bridge, Gucci shall always oversee the clan with love and blessings for dogs never quite go away, they remain enshrined in all nooks and corners where like bookmarks in old hardbound books, we stumble into their fur and in flashback and figment, they are there. Never gone, forever there.
Gucci would never quite fade from the memories; he might be gone from the scene, but he is still there. He remains in that occasional discovery of his fur tucked at the sofa, the chewed soft toy or slippers waiting to be found and most of all in our hearts! Omnipresent like the air on earth, Gucci and his love are forever.
Here’s what Runa posted today on her Facebook wall:
He came in because we lost Silky, our first pet. He came and realized I was broken and decided to repair me. He made me new again. Waited in the balcony till I got back from college each day. He then came to a different city with me, as the only link to my previous life, a dowry unlike any. He changed avatars from fish eating dog to a khakra / khandvi loving dog. In days of sorrow, joblessness or frolic, that tail wagged right below. Winters spent in cozy blankets full of white fur to summers spent with a dog shamelessly lying in all the coolest places of the house. Getting lost in Haridwar, visits to the vet where you barked enough to not seem sick at all, to telling street dog bullies their place, you have done it all. Finally, you cocked your head up each night the baby cried..brought a full circle to my life.
Today, God will be cutting a watermelon in much stress as Gucci has arrived.
Rest in peace or in playful chaos, my dearly departed.
RIP Gucci.

Gucci and me
When it comes to canines, inter-species altruism takes an altitudinal elevation. Countless tales which have become part of glistening anecdotes pave the relic road of archives which sometimes moisten the eyes or draw a smile. Uncannily there are even times when both the emotions are in a symphony, ever seen it rain while the Sun is out?
What you lose when you lose your dog?

It had been a heavy day for me as my mother was leaving for Kolkata for an entire month. Generally, me and my dad would be leading a bachelor life with a joy unseen, but this time it was different. She had just recovered from a major illness and letting her out of sight for so long was a worry I just couldn’t pacify. It was important for her to go, so we let her anyway. From evening, I kept myself preoccupied with Star movies and a very furry Gucci besides me. We shared some foreign chocolates between the two of us and the evening was pleasant enough, minus any bad thoughts about how mom would take care of herself.
At night, I couldn’t get sleep so went and hugged my father tightly and slipped into an uneasy sleep. I did not know what time it was, but I was gradually realizing that this couldn’t be real. The train my mother had gone in had gone off track and some coaches couldn’t be located. People were calling up other people, trying to find out where the missing relatives went. I was crying to my dad not knowing what to do. And suddenly, before I could howl anymore, a warm wet tongue licked across my face furiously and with urgency I hadn’t felt before in my life. It was so sudden that I opened my eyes and could see nothing but a flash of thick white in front of me, almost smothering my face. I heard my dad saying, ‘Gucci let me reach her, go away!’ and then I gained consciousness.
Dog loss quotes that personify the grief
I was having a nightmare and had totally lost it in my sleep. I was crying and sweating so badly, that I woke both my dad and Gucci up, who then tried to wake me up and calm me. When I regained a bit of normalcy, I asked my dad how come Gucci had come up on the bed and helped me before my dad could, to which my dad gave me a half jealous and half exasperated look and said, ‘He heard you first, leapt up on the bed, literally stood on my head and licked you awake! I tried to put my hand on your head to pat you, but he didn’t let me near. He covered your face and blocked me completely. It was like he trusted no one with your safety, not even your father!’
I could feel the frustration in his voice, but I still broke into a smile, a big wide one. I am blessed to have Gucci in my life, this little fur ball who thinks my happiness is the only thing in the world. At 3 or so in the night, he was alert enough to wake up and come to my rescue with whatever he could manage and boy, did it work! I was out of my bad dream and smiling in no time, imagining this cute little canine working his way around human fears, creepy hours and most importantly, his own sleep. How little he understood this ugly, scary world and yet, how much he understood.
Hey Kalicharan, Rusty n Calvy,
That was a pawesome read. Yeah..we Dawgs do tend to know just when exactly our mummy or daddy or brother or sister need us. and we are forever there, come whatever may.
It isn’t exactly a very great deal for us. You see,We do not know any other way.
have a lovely weekend,
wags, Buddy n Ginger
Pee ess: we rather like Runa and Gucci & have asked mummy to go check out some more of their pawdventures. Hope she finds the time to do that soon.
Thanks Ginger & Buddy!
I would be waiting anxiously for your mail:)
good one