A statue of little Bobby. In the background there's a glimpse of a restaurant named after him.

Greyfriars Bobby ― Scottish legend of a dog’s loyalty

The story of Greyfriars Bobby is engrained into Scottish folklore like bagpipes. It has been a subject of Hollywood movies and numerous books. Our Swede friend Virve shares her experience of visiting Bobby’s shrine.

Greyfriars Bobby Scotland dog statue
A statue of little Bobby. In the background, there’s a glimpse of a restaurant named after him.

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Story of Greyfriars Bobby

See also: Hachiko, the loyal dog who waited forever

Greyfriat's bobby loyal dog grave Scotland
Bobby’s grave. Visitors can leave toys for dogs there, as they will be collected and given to local dog shelters. The spirit of Bobby’s kindness lives on!

Also, read, How do you wait for someone who will never return? 

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6 thoughts on “Greyfriars Bobby ― Scottish legend of a dog’s loyalty”

  1. Indeed a very touching tale. I completely agree about dogs and their unconditional love. We have a lot to learn from them when it comes to relationships and loyalty. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  2. This was such a sweet, moving tale of Bobby.

    Congrats on the post being selected for the Tangy Tuesday Picks 😀

  3. I remember Greyfriar’s Bobby- it was a story we had in our English Reader in Class 2. I also made my children see the movie and they cried and thought I was very cruel to make them see it.

  4. Thank you for your comments on my text, and I’m also very honored for having been selected as “Tangy Tuesday Picks”! 🙂 Very interesting to read about your reflections over Bobby’s story, as well 🙂 Thanks, Virve

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