Kabosu dog: The Doge Who Conquered the Internet

kabosu dog, dogecoin meme dog
The original photo of Kabosu dog, the Shiba Inu who became the iconic Doge meme. Her quizzical expression and tilted head captured hearts (and the internet). Image courtesy: Atsuko Sato’s blog.

From Shelter Dog to Smiling Star: Kabosu dog’s Early Life

The Birth of a Meme: Kabosu Goes Viral

The Doge meme: Beyond the Laughs

dogecoin shiba inu
Going viral & digital! Dogecoin, the Shiba Inu meme-inspired cryptocurrency, that took the internet by storm. (Reuters)
statue of kabosu dogecoin meme dog
This Shiba statue in Japan is the real deal, complete with the iconic sofa. Fans funded the monument to celebrate Kabosu, the queen of the Doge meme.

See also: Statue imagines Hachiko’s reunion with his human

More Than Just a Meme: Remembering Kabosu

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Dogecoin’s tribute to Kabosu, “The impact this one dog has made across the world is immeasurable. She was a being who knew only happiness and limitless love.”
The Japanese shiba inu “fell into a deep sleep”, Atsuko Sato wrote in a blog post.

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