Mexico Earthquake rescue dog Frida saved 12 people!

Mexico earthquake rescue dog

In 2017, the devastating wreckage left behind by the 7.1 Richter scale earthquake in Mexico claimed over 400 human lives and countless animal casualties.

As Mexico city slowly crawled and came back to life with courageous rescue efforts, a dog in particular reinvigorated hope for the entire nation.

Meet Frida, the adorable rescue dog of Mexican Navy’s (SEMAR) Canine Unit who has saved 53 people in her career ‘until now’!

Frida, the Mexico earthquake rescue dog, saved 12 people from the rubble.

She is so good at saving lives that she was flown to help with rescue efforts in Guatemala landslides and Ecuador earthquake in the past.

Rescue dog earthquake

Also Read: Rescue dog dies from fatigue after saving 7 people from Ecuador earthquake

mexico earthquake dog
Armed with safety boots and goggles, Frida surveys the wreckage for survivors.
Frida earthquake dog saves lives

Even the Mexican President has recognized the efforts of Frida.

Mexican president tweet dog

See Also: How people helped animals in the Japan earthquake? 

We are sure she’d add to her tally of saved lives before she hangs up her boots in the next two years.

Here’s wishing Frida (and all the rescue workers) the very best with their relief efforts.

Update: November 2022.

RIP Frida

Throughout her work, she managed to rescue 55 people, 12 alive and 43 dead. She also participated in the rescue work for the explosion in the PEMEX tower in 2013; a landslide in Guaranda, Ecuador in 2017; as well as the earthquakes in Oaxaca and Mexico City in the same year.

Known for her custom-made doggy goggles and boots, Frida became a symbol of Mexicans’ resilience in the face of tragedy.

RIP Frida. 

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