Chaitali Sengupta recollects her maiden memories of Shaggy as the ever adorable pet of hers turns over the calendar to mark his first birthday. Dripping wet with innocence, this open letter relives the times that Shaggy has emblazoned with his antics. Happy birthday dog!

I still remember the times when we were looking for the perfect dog and after about two months, we found you. You aren’t perfect but you are definitely the one I always wanted to have. I vividly remember the day I picked you up for the very first time, the way you licked my face with your cute little pink tongue and that was it, you were mine from that moment. The flawless white beauty, which became a big ‘STOP’ sign for all onlookers in due course with flowing tags like, snow white, beauty, cutest doggie etc.
You were welcomed at your new home with kisses by everyone. Life seems to be an endless happy journey with every moment since I met you. You are my habit. I wake up every morning to see your cuddly face and the joy I derive in that pendulum like wag of your tail is hard to portray in words. When I come across sad stories of people losing their dogs, the never wanting evil thought runs through my mind that there’d be a day when you have to leave and the mere thought of you being gone rips my heart in agony. I cannot think of this life without you by my side. And honestly, I do not and can-not love anybody like I love you. I love you so much; nothing can ever take the place that has been created by you in my heart. Without speaking a single word, you convey your selfless and never ending love.
I can forgive you for every mistake of yours. There have been times when you tore my favorite heels off, ate my books, made beautiful designs with your teeth on my stockings yet my love for you has only manifold. And I don’t care when people say ‘‘This way she’s never going to learn” I don’t care. I just want to keep you happy, treat you the way you treat me. I can go raving about you endlessly. I was thinking about how a dog can change your perception of life. Their love is so selfless and unconditional. Dogs don’t judge you when you’re mad, they sit silently beside you when you’re feeling sad or depressed and they’re always glad to see you up and happy. I remember when I was down with jaundice. I used to cry so much and you licked my face when I cried…you actually did. Watching you is sheer delight and I just want to cuddle and kiss you for hours. The way your paws move to the tune of cuppy-cake song is endearing.
To me you are God’s perfect creation, from tip of the nose to tail! You have taught me how to be happy all the time; you have stolen my heart from me in less than a day’s time. I love you so much; you’re my best friend for life and beyond. I can go on and on about your anecdotes, the way you hide your treasures in those secret places but then that would take an entire post. I wish to conclude with the bare truth that you’re my life!
Awwww love the bond of friendship……<3
Thanks, you guys! 🙂