The eternal question that puzzled many a dog lovers ― does your dog understand words? has just been answered with scientific evidence. Your dog not only understands the words you speak, but also interprets how you say them!
Dogs understand more than humans have traditionally given them credit for, according to a new study by researchers at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary, published in the journal Science.
Do Dogs understand words?
Researchers recruited 13 family dogs living with their human owners, and trained them to sit in an fMRI scanner — a device that measures brain activity — while awake.

Inside the scanner, the researchers played a trainer’s voice saying certain phrases with varying types of intonation.
The dogs’ brains process language in a similar way to humans, with the right side dealing with emotion and the left processing meaning. The positive words spoken in a positive tone prompted the strongest activity in the brain’s reward centers.
It was only when both sides of the brain agreed they were hearing praise that the dog was truly happy.
Dogs Understand More Than Just Commands: A New Study Reveals
A groundbreaking study conducted at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary has shed light on the linguistic capabilities of our canine companions. Researchers monitored the brain activity of dogs while they were shown familiar objects like balls, slippers, and leashes. The results are astonishing: dogs can not only understand commands like “sit” and “fetch” but also grasp the underlying meaning of nouns.
Marianna Boros, one of the study’s lead researchers, believes that this capacity is present in all dogs. This discovery challenges our previous understanding of language evolution and human exceptionalism. It suggests that dogs possess a level of cognitive ability that we may have underestimated.
As pet owners, this research offers a deeper appreciation for our furry friends’ intelligence and communication skills. It also highlights the importance of using clear and consistent language when interacting with our dogs. By understanding their ability to comprehend nouns, we can enhance our bond and deepen our connection with these remarkable animals.
Also read: How dogs help you deal with depression and are the best stress busters
“Dog brains care about both what we say and how we say it. Praise can work as a reward only if both word meaning and intonation match.” ―Attila Andics, Lead researcher

This is the first major finding using noninvasive neuroscience with awake animals — usually, they have to be drugged or restrained.
But then didn’t the dog lovers always know that their little Snoopy understands words and grammar both? 🙂