Why Dogs Bark at other dogs? Unlock the Secret Language!

why dogs bark at other dogs

Why dogs bark at other dogs?

Not-So-Friendly Frowns:

The “Leave Me Alone” Growl:

dog barking funny cartoon
  1. Teach a command: like “watch me” or “play bow.”
  2. Find a reward: that your furry best friend loves.
  3. Practice indoors: Play a recording of barking and reward your doggo for focusing on you.
  4. Train outdoors: Practice in a quiet area, using the “watch me” command and rewarding your dog.
  5. Introduce distance: Once your dog is comfortable, try introducing him to another pet from a distance.
  • Gradual Exposure: Begin by introducing your puppy to other dogs from a safe distance. Slowly decrease this distance as they become more comfortable.
  • Treat Time! Reward your pup with yummy treats for calm behavior when they see another dog, instead of barking.
  • New Adventures: If your regular dog walking route makes your dog bark a lot, try new places that are less crowded like dog parks.
  • Train your dog: If needed, think about talking to a certified dog trainer.

To help your dog stop barking excessively, avoid yelling at them.

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