Meet the cute new batch of Taiwan police puppies!

Taiwan police puppies

Taiwan’s Police K-9 unit has just got their latest (and cutest) batch of officers for training. Just over a month old, and raring to be the crime fighters, Lucky Star, Schumann, Feida, Brother, AJ and Full Moon are taking the internet by the horns.

These adorable puppies would soon enter training for Taiwan’s National Police Agency (NPA)’s — K-9 Anti Bomb And Drug force and Blood Detection units based in Taipei.

Meet the cutest police officers – Taiwan police puppies!

puppy police

These six puppies have bravery and service running in their blood as their mother Yellow is also an adult dog in the K-9 unit. Also, their dad Leader is a sniffer dog.

SEE ALSO: Little Girl Donates All Her Money For Buying Bulletproof Vests For Police Dogs


For now, the 1-month old puppies are into sleeping and playing, saving the world can wait 🙂

“We hope that in the future the puppies can be like their mother Yellow, that they can pass through training successfully and enter the police force,” ~The NPA spokesman

See Also: The puppy who was fired from police service is an Aussie celebrity now!

taiwan police dog
“Sometimes, ‘Lucky Star’ would fall asleep while eating, and then he would wake up suddenly and carry on eating like nothing happened. How could people not love something as cute as that?” asks Captain Pan from Taiwan’s Police.

“We hope that in the future the puppies can be like their mother Yellow, that they can pass through training successfully and enter the police force,” the NPA said in a post on Facebook.

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1 thought on “Meet the cute new batch of Taiwan police puppies!”

  1. My God. So adorable. Can’t picture them as anything to do with Police or sniffers or security. the only security I can think of is the love in their eyes!

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