Those who have been fortunate to share their days with dogs know of the many amusing antics that the furry pals involve in. I wonder if anyone would doubt that the dog head tilts are the cutest of them all!
Isn’t it?
Why do dogs tilt their heads?
Alexandra Horowitz (Author of Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell and Know), believes head-tilting is an effort by dogs to adjust their pinnae, or outer ears, to focus upon the precise location of sounds. That’s something at which they’re actually not as good as humans, despite their ability to hear frequencies that we can’t detect.
A key philosophical aspect we can learn from a dog’s life is to revel in the antics for chasing reasons behind them is often futile.
Cute dog head tilts
And for the cynics who don’t agree with the list, here you go 🙂
This can be your 11th probably –
ha ha ha:) Thanks lady!